Lehrstuhl für Analysis
Analysis auf Mannigfaltigkeiten, Differentialgeometrie
Plan of the Research Seminar Winter Semester 2024-2025
23.10.2024 | 30.10.2024 | 06.11.2024 | 13.11.2024 | 20.11.2024 | 27.11.2024 | 04.12.2024 | 11.12.2024 | 08.01.2025 | 15.01.2025 | 22.01.2025 | 29.01.2025 |
Introduction to Cartan Geometry by Felipe Leitner part 1 | Introduction to Cartan Geometry by Felipe Leitner part 2 | Introduction to Cartan Geometry by Felipe Leitner part 3 | Introduction to Cartan Geometry by Ines Kath part 4 | Introduction to Cartan Geometry by Ines Kath part 5: development and holonomy | Automorphism group of a Cartan geomety by Matti Lyko Part 1 | Automorphism group of a Cartan geomety by Matti Lyko Part 2 | A Singer theorem for Cartan geometries | Morse theory for closed manifolds by by Jürgen Eichhorn part 1 | There was no talk | Morse theory for closed manifolds by by Jürgen Eichhorn part 2 | Conformally Einstein metric Lie algebra of index 3 by Marjan Jadidi |
Plan of the Research Seminar Summer semester 2024
15.04.2024 | 22.04.2024 | 29.04.2024 | 06.05.2024 | 13.05.2024 | 24.05.2024 | 27.05.2024 | 03.06.2024 | 10.06.2024 | 17.06.2024 |
Harmonic maps between open surfaces by Jürgen Eichhorn Part 1 | Harmonic maps between open surfaces by Jürgen Eichhorn Part 2 | Harmonic maps between open surfaces by Jürgen Eichhorn Part 3 | There was no talk | There was no talk | Margulis spacetimes and the Milnor conjecture (Milnor's paper Sec. 1) by Malek Hanounah | Margulis spacetimes and the Milnor conjecture (Milnor's paper Sec. 2) by Matti Lyko | Margulis spacetimes and the Milnor conjecture (Margulis's example) by Malek Hanounah | Margulis spacetimes and the Milnor conjecture (Mess's theorem) by Felipe Leitner | Einstein manifolds with optical geometry of Kerr type by Gerd Schmalz |
Plan of the Research Seminar Winter Semester 2023-2024
17.10.2023 | 24.10.2023 | 7.11.2023 | 14.11.2023 | 21.11.2023 | 28.11.2023 | 5.12.2023 | 12.12.2023 | 02.01.2024 | 09.01.2024 | 16.01.2024 | 23.01.2024 | 30.01.2024 |
Teichmüller theory of open surfaces by Jürgen Eichhorn part 1 | Teichmüller theory of open surfaces by Jürgen Eichhorn part 2 | Teichmüller theory of open surfaces by Jürgen Eichhorn part 3 | Introduction to Krein spaces by Matti Lyko part 1 | Introduction to Krein spaces by Matti Lyko part 2 | Background around Bierberbach theorems by Malek Hanounah part 1 | Background around Bierberbach theorems by Malek Hanounah part 2 | There was no talk | The slice theorem for open manifolds by Jürgen Eichhorn part 1 | The slice theorem for open manifolds by Jürgen Eichhorn part 2 | The slice theorem for open manifolds by Jürgen Eichhorn part 3 | Gravitational plane waves by Ines Kath part 1 | Gravitational plane waves by Ines Kath part 2 |
Institut für Mathematik und Informatik
Walther-Rathenau-Straße 47
17489 Greifswald
Telefon +49 3834 420 4628
Telefax +49 3834 420 4640
Plan of the Research Seminar Summer Semester 2023
11.04.2023 | 10.05.2023 | 17.05.2023 | 24.05.2023 | 07.06.2023 | 14.06.2023 | 21.06.2023 | 28.06.2023 | 12.07.2023 |
Crystallographic groups of the affine group of the plane by Louisa Henze | One dimensional geometric structures by Matti Lyko (1) | One dimensional geometric structures by Matti Lyko (2) | Affine structures on closed surfaces by Malek Hanounah | Radiant affine structures by Felipe Leitner (1) | Dynamics of the parallel flow of a Brinkmann manifold by Lilia Mehidi | Radiant affine structures by Felipe Leitner (2) | Completeness of affine manifolds with unipotent holonomy by Ines Kath | Global Analysis by Jürgen Eichhorn |
Plan of the Research Seminar Winter Semester 2022-2023
08.11.2022 | 15.11.2022 | 22.11.2022 | 29.11.2022 | 06.12.2022 | 03.01.2023 | 10.01.2023 | 17.01.2023 | 22.01.2023 |
Discompacity of linear groups by Malek Hanounah | Completeness of compact Lorentzian manifolds of constant curvature Part 1 by Ines Kath | Completeness of compact Lorentzian manifolds of constant curvature Part 2 by Ines Kath | biharmonic Steklov operator on functions by Georges Habib | biharmonic Steklov operator on forms by Georges Habib | Kundt spacetimes by Ghani Zeghib | Teichmüller space for open surfaces by Jürgen Eichhorn. Part 1 | Teichmüller space for open surfaces by Jürgen Eichhorn. Part 2 | Teichmüller space for open surfaces by Jürgen Eichhorn. Part 3 |
Hauptsächliche Arbeitsgebiete bzw. Arbeitsrichtungen
Globale Analysis
Darstellungstheorie Liescher Gruppen
ehemalige Mitarbeiter
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Eichhorn (Lehrstuhlinhaber bis 2007)
Dr. Sara Azzali
Dr. Anne-Katrin Gallagher
Dr. Hans-Christian Herbig
Dr. Thomas Krantz
Dr. Fatmagül Mintas
Dr. Paul-Andi Nagy
PD Dr. Gunter Teumer
Dr. Oliver Ungermann