Prof. Dr. Armin Hemmerling


Research Interests

Computability and Computational Complexity.

Some Publications

  • Labyrinth problems. Labyrinth-searching abilities of automata.
    Teubner-Texte zur Mathematik, V. 114, Leipzig 1989

  • Navigation without perception of coordinates and distances.
    Mathematical Logic Quarterly 40 (1994), 237-260

  • Computability of string functions over algebraic structures.
    Mathematical Logic Quarterly 44 (1998), 1-44

  • On approximate and algebraic computability over the real numbers.
    Theoretical Computer Science 219 (1999), 185-223

  • On the time complexity of partial real functions.
    Journal of Complexity 16 (2000), 363-376

  • Berechenbarkeit über den reellen Zahlen, der approximative und der algebraische Zugang.
    In "Mathematik - Interdisziplinär" (Ed. Flachsmeyer,J., Fritsch,J., Reichel,H.-C.),Shaker-Verlag Aachen (2000), S. 167-176On P vs. NP for parameter-free programs over algebraic structures.
    Mathematical Logic Quarterly 47 (2001), 67-92

  • On P vs. NP for parameter-free programs over algebraic structures.
    Mathematical Logic Quarterly 47 (2001), 67-92
  • Standard representations of effective metric spaces.
    In: J. Blanck, V. Brattka, P. Hertling (Eds.),Computability and Complexity in Analysis - CCA'2000, Selected Papers.LNCS v. 2064, Springer 2001, 48-68

  • Effective metric spaces and representations of the reals.
    Theoretical Computer Science 284 (2002), 347-372

  • Lineare Algebra für ein Semester. Vorlesungsskript, mit einem Übungsteil von G. Lißke.
    Shaker Verlag Aachen 2002, 167 Seiten.

  • Approximate decidability in euclidean spaces.
    Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (2003), 34-56.

  • P = NP for Some Structures Over the Binary Words.
    Journal of Complexity 21 (2005), 557-578

  • The Hausdorff-Ershov hierarchy in euclidean spaces.
    Archive for Mathematical Logic 45 (2006), 323-350

  • Hierarchies of function classes defined by the first-value operator.
    RAIRO - Theor. Inf. Appl. 42 (2008), 253-270
    (shorter version in: ENTCS, Proceedings of CCA'2004)

  • Function operators spanning the arithmetical and the polynomial hierarchy.
    RAIRO - Theor. Inf. Appl. 44 (2010), 379-418
    (extended abstract in: CiE'2009; previous version: Preprint 5/2008)

  • Observations on complete sets between linear time and polynomial time.
    Information and Computation 209 (2011), 173-182
    (previous version: Preprint 7/2010)

  • On the tape-number problem for deterministic time classes.
    arXiv:1309.7457 and (previous version) Preprint 3/2012

  • On regular sets of time bounds and determinism versus nondeterminism.
    Preprint 1/2013 and arXiv:1309.5862

For other lists of publications contact "Zentralblatt MATH" or "Forschungsdatenbank".

1991-2011: Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Mathematical Logic Quarterly (MLQ);
2005-2010: Managing Editor of MLQ.