
01/2023 - current Full Professor in Statistics and Data Science, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Greifswald, Germany  
05/2018 - 02/2022 Professor, Division of Mathematical Statistics, Department of Mathematics, Stockholm University, Sweden  
07/2022 - 12/2022 Team Lead Vaccination Modelling, Immunization Unit, Department for Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Robert Koch-Institute, Germany  
09/2021 - 12/2021 Senior Data Scientist, COVID-19 Analytics Group, Health Emergency Information & Risk Assessment, Field Epidemiology Support, WHO HQ, Geneva, Switzerland  
11/2015 - 06/2022 Head of the Medical Biometry and Statistics Unit, Federal Institute for Quality Assurance and Transparency in Healthcare (IQTIG), Berlin, Germany  
04/2013 - 04/2018 Associate Professor, Division of Mathematical Statistics, Department of Mathematics, Stockholm University, Sweden  
04/2010 - 03/2013 Senior Statistician, Department for Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany  
05/2003 - 03/2010 Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany  
04/2008 - 09/2008 Substitute Associate Professor in Biostatistics, Center for Mathematical Sciences, Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany  
02/2000 - 04/2003 Ph.D student at the Department of Animal Science and Animal Health, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen and the Biometric Research Unit, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Foulum, Denmark  
09/1999 - 01/2000 Research Assistant at the Image Analysis and Computer Graphics section, Department of Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark  


10/2014 Docent in Mathematical Statistics, Department of Mathematics, Stockholm University, Sweden.
Title: Spatial, Temporal and Spatio-Temporal Statistical Modelling of Clustered Events
10/2006 - 10/2009 Habilitation in Statistics at the Department of Statistics, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany
Thesis title: Statistical Modeling and Monitoring of Infectious Diseases
02/2000 - 10/2003 Ph.D. from the Department of Animal Science and Animal Health, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen, Denmark
Thesis title: Decision Support for Disease Management in Pig Production via Statistical Modelling
09/1994 - 07/1999 B.Sc. & M.Sc. in Computer Science (major) and Math (minor), Aalborg University, Denmark. Specialization in Decision Support Systems
Master’s thesis title: Sleep Stage Classification - Learning Bayesian Classification Networks


  • COVID-19 Special Award, 2022, by the Federal Statistical Office of Germany for the publication On assessing excess mortality in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic and its update for 2021 data (joint with G. De Nicola and G. Kauermann)
  • Best Paper in Biometrics by an International Biometric Society Member in 2014 for the publication Bayesian nowcasting during the STEC O104:H4 outbreak in Germany, 2011 (joint with M. an der Heiden)
  • 2nd Gustav-Adolf-Lienert-Preis 2010, German Region of the International Biometric Society (IBS)
  • European Regional Section (ERS) of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC), CompStat 2006 young researchers award