Walther-Rathenau-Straße 47
The main building of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science is located in the Walther-Rathenau-Straße. Here you reach the secretaries and the offices of staff and professors. There are rooms for students where they can work. Some offices of the group Bioinformatics are in the C_FunGene (Felix-Hausdorff-Str. 8).
Franz-Mehring-Straße 47/48
Most lectures take place in the buildings of the Franz-Mehring-Straße. Seminar room 1, a.k.a. auditorium Hausdorff, contains seats for 107 persons. It is located, similar to SR 2 and SR 5, on the first floor of the bigger building. The left entrance of the smaller building leads to the Lernl@b (formerly SR 3) and SR 4, and to the student representatives' office (FSR).
Computer lab (RTK)
The computer lab (RTK) is the center of computer science of the institute. Most of the lectures using computers take place here.