Publications since 2000

Books (Editor)

  • C. Bandt, P. Mörters and M. Zähle (eds.), Fractal Geometry and Stochastics IV, Progress in Probability, Vol. 61, Birkhäuser, Basel und Boston 2009

  • C. Bandt, S. Graf and M. Zähle (eds.), Fractal Geometry and Stochastics III, Progress in Probability, Vol. 57, Birkhäuser, Basel und Boston 2004

  • C. Bandt, S. Graf and M. Zähle (eds.), Fractal Geometry and Stochastics II, Progress in Probability, Vol. 46, Birkhäuser, Basel und Boston 2000

Papers on Fractals

  • C. Bandt und A. Kravchenko, Differentiability of fractal curves, Nonlinearity 24 (2011), 2717-2728 pdf

  • C. Bandt, Simple infinitely ramified self-similar sets, ''Recent Devbeloopments in Fractals and Related Fields'' (J. Barral und S. Seuret, Hrsg.), Birkhaeuser 2010, 235-250  pdf

  • C. Bandt, M.T. Duy and M. Mesing, Three-dimensional fractals, Mathematical Intelligencer 3/2010, 12-18  pdf

  • C. Bandt and M. Mesing, Self-affine fractals of finite type, Banach Center Publications 84 (2009), 131-148 pdf

  • C. Bandt and N.V. Hung, Fractal n-gons and their Mandelbrot sets, Nonlinearity 21 (2008), 2653-2670 pdf

  • C. Bandt and N.V. Hung, Self-similar sets with open set condition and great variety of overlaps, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 136 (2008), 3895-3903 pdf

  • C. Bandt and H. Rao, Topology and separation of self-similar fractals in the plane, Nonlinearity 20 (2007), 1463-1474 pdf

  • C. Bandt, N.V. Hung and H. Rao, On the open set condition for self-similar fractals, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 134 (2005), 1369-1374 pdf

  • C. Bandt and M. Mubarak, Distributions of distances and interior distances for self-similar measures, Arabian J. Science Engineering, Theme Issue on Wavelet and Fractal Methods in Science and Engineering, Part II, 29:2C (2004), 111-124

  • C. Bandt, On the Mandelbrot set for pairs of linear maps, Nonlinearity 15 (2002), 1127-1147
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  • C. Bandt, Self-similar measures, Ergodic Theory, Analysis, and Efficient Simulation of Dynamical Systems, B. Fiedler (ed.), Springer 2001, 31-46
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  • C. Bandt, Local geometry of fractals given by tangent measure distributions, Monatshefte Math. 133 (2001), 265-280
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  • C. Bandt, Ein Blick in die Welt der Fraktale, Mathematik - interdisziplinär, J. Flachsmeyer, R. Fritsch und H.-C. Reichel (Hg.), Shaker-Verlag, Aachen 2000, 11-20
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  • C. Bandt and Yang Wang, Disk-like self-affine tiles in R2, Discrete Computat. Geom. 26 (2001), 591-601
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Papers on Time series

  • C. Bandt, A. Groth, N. Marwan, M.C. Romano, M. Thiel, M. Rosenblum and J. Kurths, Analysis of bivariate coupling by means of recurrence, in: Mathematical Methods in Time Series Analysis and Digital Image Processing (Hrsg. R. Dahlhaus et al), Springer 2008, 153-182, pdf

  • C. Bandt and Faten Shiha, Order patterns in time series, Journal of Time Series Analysis 28 (2007), 646-665 pdf

  • C. Bandt, Ordinal time series analysis, Ecological modelling 182 (2005), 229-238   pdf

  • C. Bandt, G. Keller and B. Pompe, Entropy of interval maps via permutations, Nonlinearity 15 (2002), 1595-1602
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  • C. Bandt and B. Pompe, Permutation entropy - a complexity measure for time series, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 (2002), 174102
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Papers on random phenomena

  • C. Bandt, Random fractals, Physics and Theoretical Computer Science (J.-P. Gazeau et al, eds.), IOS Press 2007, 91-112, pdf

  • C. Bandt, The discrete evolution model of Bak and Sneppen is conjugate to the classical contact process, J. Statist. Phys. 120 (2005), 685-693, pdf

Interdisciplinary papers

  • S. Frenzel, E. Neubert, and C. Bandt, Two communication lines in a 3x3 matrix speller, J. Neural Engineering 8 (2011), 036021 pdf

  • C. Bandt, M. Weymar, D. Samaga and A. Hamm, A simple classification tool for single-trial analysis of ERP components, Psychophysiology 46 (2009), 747-757   pdf

  • N. Rochow, H. Küster, C. Bandt, U. Hoffmann, and C. Fusch, Unexpected muscular hypotonia and need for mechanical ventilation in a preterm infant, Acta Pediatrica, July 2008

  • P. Meisel, J. Reifenberger, R. Haase, M. Nauck, C. Bandt, T. Kocher, Women are periodontally healthier than men, but why don't they have more teeth than men?, Menopause 15 (2008), 270-275, pdf

  • B. Holtfreter, C. Bandt, S.-O. Kuhn, U. Grunwald, C. Lehmann, C. Schütt, M. Gründling, Osmolality, urea, sodium and creatinine exceed the acute physiology scores in outcome prediction at admission to intensive care, Acta Anaesthesiol. Scand. 50 (2006), 970-977 pdf

  • P. Gummelt and C. Bandt, A cluster approach to random Penrose tilings, Materials Science and Engineering A 294-296 (2000), 250-253

  • C. Bandt, B. Pompe, P. Streufert und P. Zorn, Ein Verfahren zur mathematischen Abstandsbestimmung von Diskurspartikeln: Form-Funktions-Korrelation, Germanistische Linguistik 157-158 (2001), 51-72


  • C. Bandt and A. Käenmäki, Local structure of self-affine sets, arXiv: 1104.0088, February 2011.
  • C. Bandt, Combinatorial topology of three-dimensional self-affine tiles, arXiv: 1002.0710v1, February 2010,  pdf
  • C. Bandt, Global structure from local action: a fractal puzzle and cellular automata, Preprint 16/2003, Institute of Mathematics, Greifswald, pdf