Publications since 2000
Books (Editor)
C. Bandt, P. Mörters and M. Zähle (eds.), Fractal Geometry and Stochastics IV, Progress in Probability, Vol. 61, Birkhäuser, Basel und Boston 2009
C. Bandt, S. Graf and M. Zähle (eds.), Fractal Geometry and Stochastics III, Progress in Probability, Vol. 57, Birkhäuser, Basel und Boston 2004
C. Bandt, S. Graf and M. Zähle (eds.), Fractal Geometry and Stochastics II, Progress in Probability, Vol. 46, Birkhäuser, Basel und Boston 2000
Papers on Fractals
C. Bandt und A. Kravchenko, Differentiability of fractal curves, Nonlinearity 24 (2011), 2717-2728 pdf
C. Bandt, Simple infinitely ramified self-similar sets, ''Recent Devbeloopments in Fractals and Related Fields'' (J. Barral und S. Seuret, Hrsg.), Birkhaeuser 2010, 235-250 pdf
C. Bandt, M.T. Duy and M. Mesing, Three-dimensional fractals, Mathematical Intelligencer 3/2010, 12-18 pdf
C. Bandt and M. Mesing, Self-affine fractals of finite type, Banach Center Publications 84 (2009), 131-148 pdf
C. Bandt and N.V. Hung, Fractal n-gons and their Mandelbrot sets, Nonlinearity 21 (2008), 2653-2670 pdf
C. Bandt and N.V. Hung, Self-similar sets with open set condition and great variety of overlaps, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 136 (2008), 3895-3903 pdf
C. Bandt and H. Rao, Topology and separation of self-similar fractals in the plane, Nonlinearity 20 (2007), 1463-1474 pdf
C. Bandt, N.V. Hung and H. Rao, On the open set condition for self-similar fractals, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 134 (2005), 1369-1374 pdf
C. Bandt and M. Mubarak, Distributions of distances and interior distances for self-similar measures, Arabian J. Science Engineering, Theme Issue on Wavelet and Fractal Methods in Science and Engineering, Part II, 29:2C (2004), 111-124
C. Bandt, On the Mandelbrot set for pairs of linear maps, Nonlinearity 15 (2002), 1127-1147
zipped ps with figures (550 KB) dvi without figures (86 KB)C. Bandt, Self-similar measures, Ergodic Theory, Analysis, and Efficient Simulation of Dynamical Systems, B. Fiedler (ed.), Springer 2001, 31-46
zipped ps (250 KB) dvi without figures (54 KB)C. Bandt, Local geometry of fractals given by tangent measure distributions, Monatshefte Math. 133 (2001), 265-280
without figures: ps (0.2 MB) dvi (55 KB)C. Bandt, Ein Blick in die Welt der Fraktale, Mathematik - interdisziplinär, J. Flachsmeyer, R. Fritsch und H.-C. Reichel (Hg.), Shaker-Verlag, Aachen 2000, 11-20
zipped ps (200 KB) dvi without figures (54 KB)C. Bandt and Yang Wang, Disk-like self-affine tiles in R2, Discrete Computat. Geom. 26 (2001), 591-601
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Papers on Time series
C. Bandt, A. Groth, N. Marwan, M.C. Romano, M. Thiel, M. Rosenblum and J. Kurths, Analysis of bivariate coupling by means of recurrence, in: Mathematical Methods in Time Series Analysis and Digital Image Processing (Hrsg. R. Dahlhaus et al), Springer 2008, 153-182, pdf
C. Bandt and Faten Shiha, Order patterns in time series, Journal of Time Series Analysis 28 (2007), 646-665 pdf
C. Bandt, Ordinal time series analysis, Ecological modelling 182 (2005), 229-238 pdf
C. Bandt, G. Keller and B. Pompe, Entropy of interval maps via permutations, Nonlinearity 15 (2002), 1595-1602
zipped ps (106 KB) dvi (43 KB)C. Bandt and B. Pompe, Permutation entropy - a complexity measure for time series, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 (2002), 174102
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Papers on random phenomena
Interdisciplinary papers
S. Frenzel, E. Neubert, and C. Bandt, Two communication lines in a 3x3 matrix speller, J. Neural Engineering 8 (2011), 036021 pdf
C. Bandt, M. Weymar, D. Samaga and A. Hamm, A simple classification tool for single-trial analysis of ERP components, Psychophysiology 46 (2009), 747-757 pdf
N. Rochow, H. Küster, C. Bandt, U. Hoffmann, and C. Fusch, Unexpected muscular hypotonia and need for mechanical ventilation in a preterm infant, Acta Pediatrica, July 2008
P. Meisel, J. Reifenberger, R. Haase, M. Nauck, C. Bandt, T. Kocher, Women are periodontally healthier than men, but why don't they have more teeth than men?, Menopause 15 (2008), 270-275, pdf
B. Holtfreter, C. Bandt, S.-O. Kuhn, U. Grunwald, C. Lehmann, C. Schütt, M. Gründling, Osmolality, urea, sodium and creatinine exceed the acute physiology scores in outcome prediction at admission to intensive care, Acta Anaesthesiol. Scand. 50 (2006), 970-977 pdf
P. Gummelt and C. Bandt, A cluster approach to random Penrose tilings, Materials Science and Engineering A 294-296 (2000), 250-253
C. Bandt, B. Pompe, P. Streufert und P. Zorn, Ein Verfahren zur mathematischen Abstandsbestimmung von Diskurspartikeln: Form-Funktions-Korrelation, Germanistische Linguistik 157-158 (2001), 51-72
- C. Bandt and A. Käenmäki, Local structure of self-affine sets, arXiv: 1104.0088, February 2011.
- C. Bandt, Combinatorial topology of three-dimensional self-affine tiles, arXiv: 1002.0710v1, February 2010, pdf
C. Bandt, Global structure from local action: a fractal puzzle and cellular automata, Preprint 16/2003, Institute of Mathematics, Greifswald, pdf