Project: The Axiom AC in HPL
Christine Gaßner, University of Greifswald,
The starting point for this project was a question (2018) on the relationship between a principle of choice introduced by Wilhelm ACKERMANN (1935) and the well-ordering theorem in second-order logic. To show that the second-order axioms given by HAC are valid in the basic second-order FRAENKEL model, various necessary (mathematical) assumptions, definitions, examples and proofs as well as several overviews and summaries are provided.
The semantics used are based on ideas by Peter SCHREIBER and were introduced by Günter ASSER.
Gaßner: Das Projekt The Axiom AC in HPL, (seminar talk: 1), Greifswald 2024
Gaßner: AC and the Independence of the Law of Trichotomy in Second-Order Henkin Logic (arXiv, researchgate)
Gaßner: Permutation Models of Second Order (preprint)
Gaßner: Relationships between Principles of Choice in Second-Order Henkin Structures (preprint)
Gaßner: AC and the Independence of WO in Second-Order Henkin Logic, Part II (preprint)
Gaßner: AC and the Independence of WO in Second-Order Henkin Logic, Part I (preprint)
Gaßner: Second-Order Henkin Structures and the Axiom of Choice. A first draft (pages 1 - 9 of the summary)
- A survey of the first known relationships between the Axiom of Choice and other statements in second-order predicate logic was presented in a talk by Günter ASSER at the Mathematical Research Institute of Oberwolfach in 1985. Certain information mentioned by Stewart SHAPIRO in two notes of his book Foundations without foundationalism: a case for second-order logic maybe result from a discussion after this talk at the meeting in Oberwolfach. Inspired by questions raised in this context by Paolo MANCOSU and Stewart SHAPIRO in 2018, we will re-examine the meaning of the Axiom of Choice in second-order predicate logic with Henkin interpretation. The idea of expanding my originally planned article into a book comes from Peter SCHUSTER. In this way, most of the known results could be taken into account. Moreover, at the suggestion of Michael RATHJEN, the visibility of summaries of the results has been improved. As a result, there are now some separate sections for overviews and summaries.
Gaßner: A simple permutation model of HPL and the independence of the principle WOP from HAC (pdf), Arbeitstreffen Rathjen -- Gaßner , Kloster 2024
Rathjen, M.: Contributions to the independence of HAC from WOP, Arbeitstreffen Rathjen -- Gaßner, Leeds & Kloster 2024
Gaßner: AC in HPL. Ein Querschnitt (slides 1, 2, 3), Meeting Misselbeck-Wessel -- Gaßner, Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg, Greifswald 2024
Gaßner: Second-Order Henkin Structures and the Axiom of Choice. A first draft of the first part. (contents)
Gaßner: Second-Order Henkin Semantics and the Axiom of Choice (slides 1,60,78,79, abstract), Colloquium Logicum 2022, Konstanz 2022
Gaßner: Second-Order Logic and Russell's Axiom of Choice (slides 1,8,73,74), DMV Annual Meeting 2022, Berlin 2022
Gaßner: The Axiom of Choice: Different Formulations, Meeting Tamminga (Institut für Philosophie) -- Institut für Mathematik und Informatik, Greifswald 2021
Gaßner: Videos for the lectures Mathematical Logic including second-order permutation models (see: 1, 2 ,3), WiSe 2021/22
Gaßner: Das Auswahlaxiom (seminar), WiSe 2019/20
Gaßner: Das Auswahlaxiom und die Prädikatenlogik zweiter Stufe (slides), Meeting Cordes -- Reinmuth -- Gaßner , Institut für Philosophie, Greifswald 2019
Gaßner: BSS RAM's with ν-Oracle and the Axiom of Choice (slides), Colloquium Logicum 2016, Hamburg 2016
Gaßner: Mathematical Logic including second-order permutation models (lectures), SoSe 2014
Gaßner: On the axiom of choice and infinite graphs (abstract), Arbeitstreffen Spreen -- Schlicht -- Diener -- Gaßner -- Schwende, Greifswald 2012
Gaßner: The Axiom of Choice in Second-Order Predicate Logic, Mathematical Logic Quarterly 40 (1994), 533–546. DOI: 10.1002/malq.19940400410
Asser, G.: Logische Abhängigkeiten im Prädikatenkalkül der zweiten Stufe (Tagungsbericht, slides 1,9,10), Oberwolfach 1985
Gaßner: Das Auswahlaxiom im Prädikatenkalkül zweiter Stufe (Dissertation 1984, location, pdf, slides 1,12, defense of thesis 1985), Greifswald 1985
1981, ...
Asser, G.: Einführung in die mathematische Logik (Teubner), Teil I: Aussagenkalkül, 1967; Teil II: Prädikatenkalkül erster Stufe, 1972; Teil III: Prädikatenlogik höherer Stufe, 1981
Benjamin Siskind, Paolo Mancosu, and Stewart Shapiro: A NOTE ON CHOICE PRINCIPLES IN SECOND-ORDER LOGIC
Kameryn J. Williams: The Structure of Models of Second-order Set Theories
Stephen Mackereth: Infinity, Choice, and Hume's Principle
120 years of choice, Leeds 2024
Some dissertations (Supervisor: Günter Asser)
Gaßner: Das Auswahlaxiom im Prädikatenkalkül zweiter Stufe (Dissertation 1984)
Schleinitz, W.: Axiomatisierung mehrsortiger Aussagenkalküle (Dissertation 1981)
Soyka, D.: Metamathematische Methoden in der konstuktiven Mathematik (Dissertation 1981)
Weese, M.: Entscheidbarkeit der Theorie der Booleschen Algebren in Sprachen mit Mächtigkeitsquantoren (Dissertation 1978)
Schreiber, P.: Untersuchungen über die Modelle der Typentheorie (Dissertation 1965)
First published on September 28, 2024
Updated on December 04, 2024