From Analysis to Homotopy Theory: Titles and Abstracts
May 13-17, 2024
David Aretz: Homotopical vector bundles on differentiable stacks
I will discuss a new homotopical and conceptual perspective on representations up to homotopy (ruth's) of a Lie groupoid, as originally defined by Abad and Crainic. In particular, I will explain how this could help to address the conjectured Morita invariance. This would promote the infinity-category of ruths to an invariant of a differentiable stack. The talk is based on work in progress.
Valerio Bianchi: Units of equivariant K-theory and bundles of C*-algebras
Every E∞-ring spectrum has an associated spectrum of units. Locally trivial C*-algebra bundles with compact operators as fibres provide elements in the first group of the cohomology theory associated to the units of complex topological K-theory by a classical result of Dixmier and Douady. Dadarlat and Pennig have shown that this generalises to the much larger family of bundles of stabilised strongly self-absorbing C*-algebras. Building on work of Evans and Pennig I consider Z/pZ-equivariant C*-algebra bundles over Z/pZ-spaces. The fibres of these bundles are infinite tensor products of the endomorphism algebra of a Z/pZ-representation. In joint work with Pennig we show that the theory refines completely to this equivariant setting. In particular, we prove a full classification of the C*-algebra bundles via equivariant stable homotopy theory.
Denis-Charles Cisinski: The Logic of ∞-Category Theory
We will see how the history of logic of the last hundred years has lead us precisely to this place where logic, homotopy theory, and category theory become one.
Anupam Datta: The Spectral Model of (Real) K-theory
I would be speaking about the spectral model of K-theory, originally due to Nigel Higson and Erik Guentner ([3]). The model is quite general in its setup; it works with Z/2Z graded C*-algebras with a possible Real structure. The spectral K-groups are defined as the homotopy groups of a certain “spectral K-theory space”. As a consequence, we can use homotopy theoretic (and classical functional analytic) ideas to prove the main K-theoretic properties like half-exactness, stability, Bott periodicity etc, some of which I would sketch in the talk. However, the proof that spectral K-theory is naturally isomorphic to the projective module picture of K-theory for unital, ungraded C*-algebras is not present in [3] with sufficient details. Moreover, the proof therein doesn’t generalize to the Real case. In my masters thesis ([2]), I worked out the details in the general case, and in turn had some interesting results in the realm of Hilbert C*-modules; more specifically, on the structure of compact operators on non-complementable submodules. The proof is inspired from KK-theoretic ideas, and needs a detour through the world of Fredholm operators, but bypasses some folklore results like the Kuiper-Mingo theorem. I would be discussing the key ideas behind this proof too. Time permitting, I would be discussing some results about studying classifying spaces of higher K-groups using the spectral model, for example, some results from [1].
Benjamin Dünzinger: On E-theory for C*-algebras
E-theory for C*-algebras is a modification of KK-theory with better exactness properties introduced by Higson. I will give an introduction to E-theory from a homotopical point of view. Time permitting, I will give an idea of why E-theory is compactly assembled. This is based on joint work with Ulrich Bunke.
Alexander Engel: Coarse geometry
I will discuss the main points of my involvement in Uli's work on coarse geometry. I will focus on coarse homology theories and assembly maps.
Mehran Jalali Farahani: Higher Gauge Theory, Definition and Classifying Space
We lift the notion of Severa's differentiation of Lie groups to a more categorical version, extended readily to quasi-Lie groupoids. This space can serve as the classifying space of higher principal bundles with flat connections and extends naturally to accommodate non-flat connections. Although this extension is unique in the Lie group case, it requires what is known as adjustment datum in the general setting. We studied Lie groupoids and strict Lie 2-groups in detail.
David Gepner: Some lax constructions in higher category theory
Higher category theory is playing an increasingly important role throughout mathematics. While (oo,1)-category theory is sufficient for many purposes, its study naturally leads to (oo,2)-category theory. For certain applications, however, it is necessary to work at the level of (oo,oo)-categories. For instance, one gains the ability to perform fully lax constructions, though at the cost of increasing combinatorial complexity. We will consider certain presentations of the (oo,1)-category of (oo,oo)-categories, and various operations, such as the lax Gray tensor, join, and smash, which arise naturally in this setting.
Aaron Gootjes-Dreesbach: Blow-ups of weighted submanifolds
The blow-up of a submanifold X ⊆ M is the result of replacing all the points of X in M with the unit normal bundle of X. The new space thus additionally "remembers" a direction of approach as one moves onto X. I will introduce this classic notion briefly, discuss a generalization to weightings along submanifolds due to Loizides and Meinrenken and motivate why a further generalization to blow-ups of arrangements of weighted submanifolds is useful in the study of "non-local" differential relations.
Fei Han: Graded T-duality with H-flux for 2d sigma models
T-duality serves as a pivotal symmetry in string theory, manifesting through transformations of worldsheet fields within nonlinear sigma models. Specifically, Hori maps facilitate the conversion between twisted cohomology theories of dual spacetimes. Our talk will explore advancements in T-duality, particularly focusing on two enhancements: first, the introduction of graded T-duality, which extends the T-duality mapping to encompass various levels of twistings; second, an elaboration on the two-dimensional sigma model, involving the intricacies of the double loop space of spacetimes. This presentation will outline our collaborative efforts with Mathai.
Yigal Kamel: Real spin bordism and orientations of K-theory
I will introduce a C2-equivariant E∞-ring spectrum called Real spin bordism which orients Atiyah’s KR-theory, and explain how this orientation recovers the spinc orientation of KU, the spin orientation of KO, and the Real orientation of KR, all as E∞-maps. I will also discuss an obstruction for the C2-fixed points of Real spin bordism to be equivalent to spin bordism coming from the integrality of the Â-genus on spin manifolds combined with formal properties of homotopy Mackey functors. This is joint work with Zach Halladay.
Daniel Kasprowski: Stable equivalence relations of 4-manifolds
Kreck’s modified surgery gives an approach to classify 2n-manifolds up to stable diffeomorphism, i.e., up to a connected sum with copies of Sn x Sn. In dimension 4, we use a combination of modified and classical surgery to compare the stable diffeomorphism classification with other stable equivalence relations. Most importantly, we consider homotopy equivalence up to connected sum with copies of S2 x S2. This is joint work with John Nicholson and Simona Veselá.
Mikhail Kornev: Homology Spheres, Acyclic Groups and Kan-Thurston Theorem
The theory of non-simply connected manifolds, the well-known area of algebraic topology, is closely related to combinatorial group theory and group cohomology. It is well known that for any finitely presented group G and n ≥ 4, there exists a smooth closed n-manifold whose fundamental group is isomorphic to G. This observation motivates the following question. Let us fix the class C of manifolds. What finitely presented groups can be fundamental groups of manifolds from that given class C? The question is of interest in the case of C being the class of homology n-spheres, i.e., smooth closed n-manifolds with the homology of n-sphere. We review remarkable connections appearing in the study of homology spheres: we discuss applications of acyclic groups, the Kan-Thurston theorem, and smooth structures on spheres. We also present related author’s results.
Markus Land: On the non-multiplicativity of the signature
I begin by summarizing some things known about the signature of total spaces of various kinds of bundles. I will then focus on bundles over stably framed base manifolds M and explain a full calculation of the group of signatures of local systems of unimodular forms over such M by homotopy theoretic means. This calculation recovers known divisibility results of smooth manifold bundles (again over stably framed base) previously obtained via index theory. If time permits, I will also discuss some further results where both analytic and homotopy theoretic arguments can be given.
Georg Lehner: Norm, Assembly and Coassembly
Malkiewich showed that given a ring R and finite group G there exists a socalled coassembly map going from the K-theory of the group ring R[G] to the homotopy fixed points of the K-theory spectrum of R equiped with the trivial action. Moreover the composition of the assembly map with the coassembly map agrees with the norm map. This implies that for a finitegroup G, the assembly map is rationally and K(n)-locally injective. In recent work with Alex Müller and Holger Reich, we generalize this fact to arbitrary additive invariants of either stable or Poincare infinity-categories, while also allowing for twisted coefficients. In particular, Malkiewich's theorem is true more generally for THH, TC, Grothendieck-Witt and L-theory. The fundamental insight is that the content of the theorem is fundamentally about the interaction of the algebraic theory of G-actions with the algebraic theory of E-infinity monoids.
Clara Löh: Alle Gleichheiten sind gleich, aber manche sind gleicher - von der Homotopietheorie zur Computerverifikation
Wann sind mathematische Objekte (z.B. Zahlen, Funktionen, geometrische Gebilde) "gleich"? Diese harmlos erscheinende Frage stellt sich als erstaunlich tückisch heraus. Insbesondere ist es nötig, viele verschiedene "Gleichheiten" zu betrachten und zu vergleichen. In diesem Vortrag werden wir sehen, wie man über "Gleichheiten" in einer geometrischen Sprache sprechen kann und welche Rolle dies in der Programmierung bzw. Computerverifikation spielt.
Matthias Ludewig: Coarse geometry and topological insulators
Topological insulators are certain materials or metamaterials whose mathematical description involves certain non-trivial deformation invariants. We explain a coarse geometric approach to the mathematical treatment of these materials.
Dmitri Pavlov: The classification of two-dimensional extended nontopological field theories
I will start by reviewing my recent work with Dan Grady on the geometric cobordism hypothesis and locality of fully extended nontopological functorial field theories. I will then apply these results to explicitly compute, in terms of homotopy coherent representations of Lie groups,
the space of 2-dimensional fully extended functorial field theories with geometric structures like flat 2-dimensional Riemannian metrics, 2|1-dimensional super Euclidean structures, or conformal structures. If time permits, I will discuss further constructions of field theories (ongoing work with Dan Grady) that involve differential characteristic classes, index and eta-invariants, and quantization.
Paolo Piazza: Primary and Secondary Invariants of Dirac operators on G-proper manifolds
In this talk I shall explain how cyclic cohomology and K-theory can be used in order to define and investigate primary and secondary invariants of G-equivariant Dirac operators on a cocompact G-proper manifold, with G a connected real reductive Lie group. I
will first treat, rapidly, the case of cyclic cocycles associated to elements in the differentiable cohomology of G; I will then go on to delocalized cyclic cocycles, the main topic of this talk. I will explain the challenges in defining the delocalized eta invariant associated to the orbital
integral defined by a semisimple element g in G and in showing that such an invariant enters in an Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index theorem for cocompact G-proper manifolds. I will then move to a higher version of these results, using the higher delocalized cyclic cocycles defined by Song and Tang. This talk is based on published work with Hessel Posthuma and two preprints with Hessel Posthuma, Yanli Song and Xiang Tang.
Alberto Richtsfeld: Local index theory for the Rarita-Schwinger operator
We prove the local index theorem for the Rarita-Schwinger operator and higher Dirac operators using Gilkey's invariance theory. That is, we show that the supertrace of the heat kernel of a given geometric operator converges as time goes to zero, and identifies the limit as the Chern-Weil form of the Atiyah-Singer integrand.
Florian Riedel: Deformation Theory of Eoo-coalgebras
I will discuss how deformation theory allows us to recover the p-completed suspension spectrum of a space from its Fp-homology via Weil-restriction of Eoo-coalgebras and explain how this relates to work in progress on realising an integral coalgebraic version of Mandells theorem.
Thomas Schick: Boundary value problems on manifolds with corners and conormal homology
It is a fundamental observation of Atiyah-Patodi-Singer that the correct setup for index theory on manifolds with corners involves non-local spectral boundary conditions. A convenient calculus which contains these operators and their inverses is Melrose calculus of b-pseudodifferential operators.
If one passes to general manifolds with corners, it becomes a problem to decide whether one can render a (pseudo)differential operator with elliptic principal symbol Fredholm by applying a smoothing perturbation in the calculus (which is the correct generalization of introducing non-local boundary conditions).
The obstruction of doing so is a boundary analytic index, taking values in the K-theory of the b-compact operator of the boundary.
Therefore, it becomes important and interesting to get information about this boundary K-theory group.
It turns out that the relevant group depends only on the combinatorics of the faces. To this end, Uli Bunke introduced the conormal homology, whose rationalization is the range of a natural Chern character from the boundary K-theory.
For a wile, it was conjectured that this conormal homology might be integrally isomorphic to the boundary K-theory, and that it might be always a torsion-free abelian group (a fact if one has only faces of codimension one and two).
The talk will present the theory and cumulate in the proof that conormal homology, and boundary K-theory for manifolds with corners are completely arbitrary: everything what shows up as homology and K-theory of a finite simplicial complex also shows up as conormal homology and boundary K-theory of a manifold with corners.
Stephan Stolz: Quantum observables for free fermions with boundary conditions
Costello and Gwilliam developed a systematic approach to perturbative quantization of field theories that describes classical and quantum observables as factorization algebras on the space-time manifold. In the simple case of the linear sigma model whose fields are smooth maps from the real line to an inner product space V (aka the free boson), the algebra of quantum observables is the Weyl algebra of differential operators on V. For the free fermion, where V is replaced by its odd analog, the algebra of quantum observables is the Clifford algebra generated by V.
In this talk, based on joint work with Bill Dwyer, I will discuss how to enhance the free fermion by suitable boundary conditions to obtain a factorization algebra of ``bulk-boundary quantum observables'', which can be evaluated on open intervals as well as half-open intervals. The challenge is that there is a space of boundary conditions, each of which yields a bulk-boundary factorization algebra, but unlike for the free boson (where there are Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions), there is no distinguished boundary condition. Our main result is that a spin structure on V yields a distinguished bulk-boundary factorization algebra of quantum observables.
Georg Tamme: A remark on crystalline cohomology
Crystalline cohomology was invented by Grothendieck and developed by Berthelot as a substitute for l-adic étale cohomology of varieties in characteristic p when l equals p. It was originally constructed using the crystalline site, a site that not everybody loves. In this talk I will explain a simple, direct construction of crystalline cohomology based on the observation that every smooth variety in characteristic p lifts in a certain sense uniquely to characteristic 0. This is joint work with Moritz Kerz.
Peter Teichner: On the immersion order on 4-manifolds
Motivated by applications to pulling back quantum cellular automata from one manifold to another, we study the existence of immersions between smooth 4-manifolds. We show that they lead to a very interesting partial order on closed 4-manifolds. Joint work with Mike Freedman, Daniel Kasprowski and Matthias Kreck, arXiv:2208.03064.
Andreas Thom: High-dimensional expansion and soficity of groups
For d ≥ 4 and p a sufficiently large prime, we construct a lattice Γ ≤ PSp2d(ℚp), such that its universal central extension cannot be sofic if Γ satisfies some weak form of stability in permutations. In the proof, we make use of high-dimensional expansion phenomena and, extending results of Lubotzky, we construct new examples of cosystolic expanders over arbitrary finite abelian groups. This is joint work with Lukas Gohla.
Philippe Vollmuth: On the interaction between singular and sheaf cohomology
It is well-known that singular cohomology and sheaf cohomology on a "sufficiently nice" topological space coincide. An exhaustive description for what it means to be "sufficiently nice" was however only recently formulated by D. Peterson (2021), along with a concise homotopy theoretic proof. We generalize this result to cohomology with coefficients over a ring-spectrum instead of a discrete ring. To this end we demonstrate how both singular and sheaf cohomology arise as special instances of infinity-topos cohomology. As an upshot we obtain a kind of Künneth theorem which intertwines the different types of cohomology, as well as a nice proof for the homotopy invariance of sheaf cohomology.
Charlotte Wahl: Who first formulated the principle of least action? News about a detective story from the history of mathematics
Over the next few months the Academy edition of Leibniz's Collected Writings and Letters will have to decide how to deal with an alleged letter from the German polymath Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz from 1707 in which the stationary-action principle can be found. This letter was quoted by Samuel König in an article from 1751 in which he criticized the principle of least action, which Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis had published a few years earlier. Maupertuis and Euler decried the letter as a forgery. During the 19th and most of the 20th century it was generally believed to be genuine. In the last 30 years new doubts have arisen. We will report on recent research into this letter.
Katrin Wendland: Disentangling orbifold data
Kummer surfaces are classical examples of K3 surfaces which may be obtained by resolving all singularities in a quotient of a complex two-torus by the center of SU(2). This construction is known as orbifolding, and it generalizes to other finite subgroups of SU(2). One may then construct invariants of K3 surfaces, like the complex elliptic genus, by orbifolding techniques that are borrowed from conformal field theory. These techniques are global, obscuring the contributions that arise from resolving the singularities. We show how to disentangle these orbifold data, arriving at a proposal for complex elliptic genera of the resolutions of simple surface singularities.
Christoph Winges: Homotopy theory with stable infinity-categories
One perspective on Kasparov's category KK is to consider it as the receptacle for a universal homology theory on C*-algebras, making it a category of "motives" in this context. It is a consequence of work of Cuntz, Higson and Uuye that KK is a Dwyer-Kan localisation of the category of C*-algebras. As observed by Land and Nikolaus, this yields in particular an infinity-categorical refinement of KK.
In the algebraic/homotopy theoretic context, Blumberg, Gepner and Tabuada introduced the infinity-category of localising motives as an analogue of KK. Continuing the analogy, I will explain that this infinity-category is a Dwyer-Kan localisation of the infinity-category of small stable infinity-categories, essentially due to the existence of an appropriate cofibration category structure. This provides an alternative approach to constructing counterexamples to the non-connective theorem of the heart in algebraic K-theory. Joint work with Maxime Ramzi and Vladimir Sosnilo.